Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Positive Discipline

I found that a lot of this would have been useful when I was in school, anywhere between third grade and high school. Peer mediation would have been the best; it would have resolved a lot of problems that I ran into over the course of my pre-adolescent and adolescent years, but in a small school, it would have been difficult to implement.
The one thing I didn't care for was in the TAB portion (Take A Break) and ZAP (Zeroes Aren't Permitted). Both concepts are good, but I didn't like seeing the student being called out in front of his peers. The one teacher who took the student into the hall for a brief discussion, I believe, handled it properly. I think that calling a student on the carpet in front of his peers is only raising the risk for more aberrant/rebellious behavior. The other concepts were good and I liked those, including a fix-it plan, written apology, and a form for the student to explain what they did wrong and how to correct the behavior in the future. Granted, calling them out publicly might embarrass them enough to discourage bad behavior in the future, but it could also make them rebellious for the same reason. The other corrective ideas can be done privately and kept between the teacher and the student, or the student and the affected party (such as another student).

1 comment:

  1. Several positive strategies to help make students more accountable for their own behavior...most definitely needed. And isn't that what an important part of school should be?
