Monday, April 12, 2010

Problem-based learning

I'm not active in a classroom yet, but I still have some input to share about problem-based learning. I am a HUGE proponent of problem-based learning as opposed to simple bookwork and lecture learning. Kids want to be actively engaged in their learning; the sooner today's teachers realize this, the sooner we may see improvements in assessment scores. My number one goal as a middle school teacher is to answer the age-old question asked by middle-school students everywhere: "When am I ever going to use this?" I think some lecture is necessary to teach new material, but the faster you move into applying subject material into real-life situations, the faster the students will learn the importance of each topic as it is really applied outside the classroom. My idea is to take each topic as it arises, give one class lecture (two at most) with a book assignment to make sure the students understand the material, and have problems or small projects prepared for each topic for the students to work on in small groups. This could be varied to make a little bigger problem or project for each chapter as it ties everything in the given chapter together. I suppose either way could work, depending on the situation; I just think the kids will perform better on assessments and in class if they understand how to use the concepts that they learn in class rather than just answering the questions posed by homework assignments.

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